Barack Obama ha la sua pagina Facebook

Meglio tardi che mai. Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama ha la sua pagina Facebook ufficiale: tutta sua.

barack obama facebook

LEGGI ANCHE: Le corna di Obama fanno ridere mezzo mondo


– Lo racconta lui stesso su Facebook, in video:

Hello, Facebook! I finally got my very own page. I hope you’ll think of this as a place where we can have real conversations about the most important issues facing our country – a place where you can hear directly from me, and share your own thoughts and stories. (You can expect some just-for-fun stuff, too.)I’m kicking it off by inviting you to take a walk with me in my backyard – something I try to do at the end of the day before I head in for dinner. I say this often, but that’s because it’s always at the front of my mind: We’ve got to preserve this beautiful planet of ours for our kids and grandkids. And that means taking serious steps to address climate change once and for all. Now, we've made a lot of progress to cut carbon pollution here at home, and we're leading the world to take action as well. But we’ve got to do more. In a few weeks, I’m heading to Paris to meet with world leaders about a global agreement to meet this challenge.I hope you'll join me in speaking out on climate change and educating your friends about why this issue is so important. At a time when nearly three in four adults online use Facebook, this feels like a great place to do it. Share your thoughts in the comments, and pass this message on to folks you think need to see it.If we're all in this together, I'm confident we can solve this and do right by future generations.

Posted by President Obama on Lunedì 9 novembre 2015

E il messaggio inizia così:

“Ciao Facebook! Ho finalmente la mia pagina. Spero sia un posto dove scambiare quattro chiacchiere su aspetti del nostro paese, un posto nel quale possiate rivolgervi direttamente a me e scambiare le vostre esperienze e storie (Aspettatevi anche qualcosa di divertente)”.


Lo scorso maggio il Presidente statunitense aprì il suo account Twitter.
Il nome? Pothus. E cinguettava così: «Ciao Twitter, qui è Barack! Davvero. Dopo sei anni mi hanno fatto l’account!». Il primo tweet ricevette il reply del suo vice, Joe Biden: «Hey @POTUS benvenuto su Twitter. Ci vediamo in giro».

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